Male Sling Surgery

Overcome urinary incontinence (leakage of urine) and loss of bladder control with bladder sling surgery.

What Does Male Sling Surgery Treat?

A male sling, or male urethral sling, is a treatment for stress urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss or leakage of urine that occurs during physical activity such as exercise, laughing, coughing and sneezing. Oftentimes, weakened pelvic muscles allow urine to leak when a cough, sneeze or other action puts pressure on the bladder. Many times stress urinary incontinence is related to previous treatments for prostate cancer (surgery or radiation).

Male sling surgery is a treatment for stress urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss or leakage of urine.

Before male sling surgery, your urologist will evaluate the cause of your stress incontinence and will explore first-line therapies, including physical therapy, pelvic rehabilitation, fluid and diet management, and lifestyle changes. Sling surgery is recommended for men who have not responded to first-line therapies.

How Does the Sling Work?

A synthetic mesh sling is surgically implanted to provide support to the urethra.

For men who have not responded to behavioral therapy or other conservative measures, a synthetic mesh sling is surgically implanted to provide support to the urethra to help restore continence. Many men have success with the sling and see improvement in leakage following the surgery. Like any surgical procedure, the male sling does have its risks. Make an appointment with Dr. Weinberg to learn about the benefits and risks.


White Glove
Concierge Service

Dr. Weinberg sees patients from the greater Baltimore and Washington, D.C. areas as well as around the Mid-Atlantic region and the country. If needed, our team will assist you in coordinating pre-operative, operative, and post-operative appointments.